America at a Crossroads series presented by Jews United for Justice and Justice and Community Advocates, Inc. delivers events with an esteemed roster of political, social and community experts.

As a response to increasing political division across our country, JUDJ developed the Community Conversations and America at a Crossroads event series. We are proud to present an esteemed roster of guests and moderators who are experts in the issue areas JUDJ supports. Recordings of our past events and discussions are available on our past events page.

Co-sponsors include: IKAR, Jewish Center for Justice, Leo Baeck TempleStephen Wise TempleTemple Israel of HollywoodValley Beth ShalomTemple Beth AmTemple Isaiah, Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust, Pico Union Project, Jewish Collaborative of Orange County, AJC Los Angeles, Congregation Shirat Ha Yam, ADL and Amichai

Since April 2020, we have hosted an event each week with an esteemed roster of guests and moderators who are experts in the issue areas JUDJ supports.